
tamoadmin 网红景点 2024-05-17 12 0
  1. 上海的美景作文英语?
  2. 英文介绍上海红色景点?
  3. 上海外滩白天文案?


Shanghai is a very *eautiful city with its fast-growing economy and hospita*le people.

There are *ny historic sites in Shanghai, such as the residence of Luxun and Song *inglin. Besides, a lot of changes h*e taken place in the city. For example, *ny highrises h*e *een *uilt around us and people are living a richer life than *r. what*#39;s more, Shanghai citizens are very n* to anyone coming to visit the city. They will show you around the city and introduce the *est to*ist sites in Shanghai to *ke s*e you will live a h*y life there.

Shanghai is one of the most wonderful cities .There are *uite a few highrise *uildings and a sea of people around us.


You can see something special on the Bund,such as The Oriental Pearl TV ,Jin*o Building and various *oats. By the way,there are famous for its night views.

Shanghai is regarded as*#34;shopping paradise*#34;as well.So there is no dou*t you can *uy anything you want.Xujiahui and Yu Garden are the *est place you can go shopping.


1、上海东方明珠*塔 Shanghai Oriental Pearl Radio and *EV*ION Tower


2、上海外滩 The *und in Shanghai

3、上海科技馆Shanghai Science and Technolo* Museum

4、上海野生动物园 Shanghai Wild Ani*l Park


5、上海迪士尼乐园 Shanghai Disneyland

