
tamoadmin 网红景点 2024-06-12 12 0
  1. 用英语简单的介绍上海简单一点的?
  2. 介绍上海东方明珠电视塔的英语作文。100字?


Shanghai has a population of a*out 24 million people. It is a co*opolitan city and highly diverse, with *ny immigrants from all over China and the world. The *l Shanghainese people h*e a reputation for *usiness acumen and a fast paced lifestyle.

Shanghai has a humid su*tropical cli*te with hot, humid summers and cool, damp winters. The summer temperat*es fre*uently exceed 35 °C. typhoon affects the city in the late summer and early autumn. The winter is chilly *ut rarely sees snow or freezing temperat*es.

Shanghai is *ted in east of China,next to Jiangsu Province.Shanghai is very famous in China and *n all over the world.It is the *ggest city in China.And it is the commercial center of China,too.People from south and north come to here for trip and shopping.I like Shanghai very much.I like the high *uildings and the convenient transport.上海位于中国东部,毗邻江苏省.上海在中国甚至世界范围内都有很高的知名度.它是中国最大的城市,也是中国的商业中心.全国各地的人都来这里购物观光.我很喜欢上海,喜欢这里的高楼大厦,还有它便捷的交通.



The Oriental Pearl TV Tower is *ted in Pudong Park in Lujiazui District, Shanghai.The tower, s*rounded *y the Yan*u Bridge in the northeast and the Nanpu Bridge in the southwest, creates a pict*e of 'twin dragons playing with pearls'(双龙戏珠).The entire scene is a photographic jewel that excites the i*gination and attracts thousands of visitors year-round.
